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पी जी आर एम एस
Public Grievance Redressal and Management System
telangana Minister
telangana CM
About Us


This Public Grievance Redressal and Management System (PGRMS) software cater to the needs of various public departments, including Excise & Prohibition, Tourism & Culture, and Archaeology. The key features designed to address public grievances:

User-friendly Complaint Registration:

  • Multiple Channels: Allow complaints through a web portal, mobile app (optional), phone calls and even physical submission forms.
  • Grievance Categories: Offer pre-defined categories specific to each department (e.g., Permit delays in Excise, Sanitation issues in Tourism, Site maintenance concerns in Archaeology).
  • Anonymous Option: Provide the flexibility to register complaints anonymously, especially for sensitive issues.
  • Attachment Support: Enable users to attach documents (photos, scans) to provide evidence for their grievances.

Streamlined Grievance Management:

  • Automated Workflows:Route complaints to the designated department and officer based on category and urgency.
  • Assignements and Tracking:Assign complaints to specific officers for investigation and resolution.
  • Internal Communication:Facilitate secure communication channels between officers and departments for efficient collaboration on complex issues.

Transparency and Feedback:

  • Real-time Status Updates: Keep complainants informed about the progress of their grievance with automated notifications and a user dashboard.
  • Estimated Resolution Time:Provide an estimated timeframe for resolving the complaint, setting expectations for the user.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Allow users to provide feedback on the grievance redressal process, helping improve the system's effectiveness.

Reporting and Analytics:

  • Department-specific Reports: Generate reports with insights into grievance trends, department performance, and common complaint types. This data can be used for departmental process improvement.
  • Performance Dashboards: Visualize key metrics like resolution rates, average turnaround time, and department-wise comparisons for better grievance management.

Benefits for Each Department:

  • Excise & Prohibition: Improve transparency in permit issuance and grievance redressal for licensing issues.
  • Tourism & Culture: Address concerns related to amenities, sanitation, and tourist safety at cultural sites.
  • Archaeology: Facilitate reporting of monument maintenance issues and ensure timely resolution.

By implementing a robust PGRMS, these departments can create a more accessible and responsive grievance redressal system, fostering public trust and improving overall service delivery.